Friday, May 2, 2014

Texture Dragons

Texture Dragons

These 6th grade dragons were an easy and fun three day project! All students finished and were sucessful creating their work of art!

The students began the project drawing a dragon. The students used their imagination to come up with their unique dragon design.
Next the student used texture plates and crayons to fill the dragon with different textures. I required the students to have a minimum of four different textures inside of the dragon.
The students then outlines the dragon in sharpie and cut the dragon out.
The finished project resulted in the dragon glued onto colored construction paper as seen below.


Art Show

Please join us for:

May 20th 2014

Fegely's End of the Year

Art Show


Takes place in the Fegely

Middle School Lobby

Students and Parents are

invited to attend!

Cake and refreshments

will be served!


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Fall into Art

Fall into Art

7th and 8th graders created fall inspired works of art
8th graders drew from a fall inspired still-life. The students then painted the still-life using liquid water colors. The students were instructed to paint with lots of color, creating many values in their paintings. Once completed with the painting g process the students used a sharpie to outline the multiple values found in the painting.
7th grade completed a similar project using a variety of leaves as their study.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Value Self Portraits

8th grade iPad Value Self-Portraits

For this iPad project students used the app ArtStudio. To begin the lesson the students took a photo of themselves using the iPad camera.
They then imported the photo into to app.
File-import-from camera roll
Using their background knowledge of the element of art, value. The students painted over their existing photo to create a painting of themself.
Once completed the original picture layer was removed.