Thursday, October 6, 2016

Contour Line and Value Leaf Sketches

Day 1 
7th grade 
Contour Line and Value Leaf Sketch

Sketch Day!
Students used yesterdays information about line to create contour line drawings of leaves. 
The students used real leaves to create their composition. 

They were required to have a minimum of 5 leaves and some needed to be overlapping. 

Once the students completed the sketch they received 8x8 watercolor paper to draw their final copies on. Tomorrow the students will use liquid watercolors to paint the fall leaves. 

6th grade - Monochromatic Haunted House

Day 1- Monochromatic Haunted House
Begin our Sketches

6th grade artists began their sketches today for the Monochromatic Haunted house project. 

The students used their ipads for haunted house references. 

The students picked 5 didfferent haunted houses they liked and saved the image to their ipad. They then used the images to create a new image of their own and added details to their projects (trees, moons, clouds, pumpkins, etc..)

Tomorrow, day 2, the students will create their monochromatic background. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Atmospheric Perspective

Fall into Art

Atmospheric Perspective 

Students used their knowledge of background, middleground and foreground to create a painting depicting atmospheric perspective.

Students outlined the pencil lines with sharpie.

The students used liquid watercolors for the ground and the sky and used water color pencils for the details of their landscape. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Fegely's Masquerade Casual Dance

Date: February 9th 2016

Time: 3:15 - 5:15

Place: Fegely Middle School 

Admission $3.00
Pop $1.00
Pizza $2.00

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fall into Art

Fall into Art

6th and 7th grade Fegely artists created fall inspired artwork.

6th grade created fall atmospheric perspective focusing on foreground, middle ground and back grounds.

7th grade created a texture leaf.


Line Activity

Line - Element of Art Activity
After a PowerPoint and guided notes we got moving around the room to create some lines!
Students were paired into groups of three and four.
Each group received a piece of yarn/string.
I prompted the class to use the string to create a variety of lines.
(Horizontal, diagonal, vertical, curved, zig zag, etc.)








Name Tangle - Zen Tangle

7th grade Name Tangle Project

7th grade Name Tangle Directions:

To begin the students drew their name stretching from the top to the bottom of the page.

The students used patterns to fill the negative space.
Then we used thick and thin sharpie to color names and patterns.








Thursday, August 27, 2015

Art Displays

Sending out a big Thank you to Fegely Middle Schools Jr. National Honor Society for taking on the large bulletin board in our front lobby.

The students welcomed new 6th, 7th and 8th graders by painting a quote by Henri Matisse, Creativity Takes Courage.

Other Art boards for the 2015-16 school year


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome back!

Welcome Back Fegely Artist
We are so excited for a terrific 2015-16 school year!
Art Supplies:
  • Pocket folder
  • 2 glue sticks
  • Pencils with erasers
  • Pack of colored pencils
  • Ruler







iPhone Design

iPhone Phone Design

What do we do on the second day of school?

Design our own personal iPhones!

6th, 7th and 8th grade students created and drew 12 apps that would describe them. The students also created and drew what the case of their phone would look like.

Once the students completed drawing they added color to their design.